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Sacramento! Los Angeles! Dribble! Dunks! Rick Dribble! Stan Dunks! Have you ever watched a Kings game with Stan Dunks and Rick Dribble? Unless you lived above their apartment and overheard them shouting at their TV, then NO!

After years of watching Kings games and claiming that they could provide better commentary, your boys Stan Dunks and Rick Dribble are finally commentating on the game at STAB! LIVE! Come watch the game with the boys providing insightful commentary in real time. Can't make it? Tune in the game, turn off the sound and play the live streaming video of the boys' commentary! Is it better than the "real" thing? YOU DECIDE!

Support the Kings and local dudes who think they can do a job better than professional! Come on out and watch the Kings with Dunks and Dribble!

Dunks! Dribble! You???

Kings Talk Live

Tuesday, November 30th, 7pm
Sacramento vs. Los Angeles




* You don't have to purchase a "Virtual Ticket" to watch any live streamed STAB! Comedy Theater show, but if you like a show and want to support it and the theater, this is the best way, as the "Virtual Ticket" costs will be split with the producers of the show, helping to contribute to the theater and performers at the same time.

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